Thursday, September 27, 2007

I like my rainbow piano!!!

I have to write about something that I do well but I don’t like to write about myself. Hmm... Let’s see, I’m pretty bad in every sport that requires a ball. I’m also bad at gymnastics, oh yeah. I can remember my school days and how I hated them. Well, I can run, that’s true. It isn’t that I could run a marathon tomorrow, but I can run for a couple minutes. What else can I do... Oh, you said something about cooking. I like to cook and I do it well. A slight problem is that I always cook rice, so, if you’re ever invited to dinner you already know what you’ll eat.
When I was a child I used to be a little bit strange and that’s why I always felt like a misfit. I tell you, it’s not easy being a misfit. But, because of this - a kind of marginalization- I discovered a small thing that brought me big hope: Music.
If you can imagine, a seven-year-old kid told his mother that he’d like to play an instrument. My mother, surprised, said: “Every kid hates that! Why do you want to do that?” -- “Well, I am not sure. I’m not every kid!”
I remember my first piano lesson like it was yesterday. I was good, and didn’t fail like most children, I kept playing and it became my passion and I do it pretty good. Now, I’m in the United States, trying to try that my passion becomes, in addition, my profession. Wow, and I said I don’t like to talk about me, my goodness!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The nature of the universe

Today I have been encouraged to write about a tricky issue. But unfortunately I am neither a physicist nor a philosopher. I always thought that the universe began in a cosmic bellybutton. This is a naive idea, I know. Well, once someone told me that a really hefty rocket exploded and disseminated millions or trillions of particles all around the universe. It is great to envisage this beautiful fireworks spectacle of the very beginning. So I can imagine that we only are one spark of this explosion and that anywhere and anytime we are part of the universe’s ball, like confetti falling down.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007



A: Hi! How are you doing?
B: Fine, and you?
A: Are you still buying things on ebay?
B: Oh, yes. You can make top dollar with that. I've benn buying all these D-battery-powered old video games from the '80s, man, you can be sure, there is a lot of people who buy this stuff.
A: Wow. I think I should do something like that. See you!
B: Take care.


Grammatically, it is interesting that you use the present perfect continuous. That shows us that the subject began the action in the past but it is still doing it at this moment. It is fascinating how you put the demonstrative determiner between two adjectives (all these old...). When I read the sentence I noticed the use of hyphens between words that are a compound modifier of a noun (adjective).

I like writing, so it is lovely to write contexts, and letting my imagination fly. :P